Indonesi Insurance Watch 2013-2014 Thirteenth Edition

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  • Cover Indonesi Insurance Watch 2013-2014 Thirteenth Edition
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Indonesi Insurance Watch 2013-2014 Thirteenth Edition
Tanggal terbit
November - 2013
Jumlah Halaman
510 gr
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Text Bahasa
English ·
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As insurance requires insurable risk to be quantifiable, insurance companies use various melhods in tiying to measure the unpredictability of risks. One of such Ux>ls to mcasure Nat Cat risks is the Catastrophe Model (CAT Model), which increasingly has become a neeessity in dealing with Nat Cat risks such as EQ, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flood, windstorm.
Frans Y. Sahiisilawaite
Pivsdir PTAsuwnsi MAIPARK

The potential market of DPLK in the future is very large and wide open. Of around 121 millioh employees in Indonesia, only 1.5 million have partieipated in the DPLK program, implying that the penetration rate of DPLK pension program is still considered veiy low, only 3% of the total labor force. Total assets reached IDR27 trillion as of December 2012, eontributing only 0.33% of the 2012 gross domestic product of IDR8,241.9 trillion.
Hcndrisman Rahin
CEO of PT Asuransi Jiwasivya (Persero)

I n the political year of 2013 ahead of the general election in 2014, all insurance companies, should improve good governance and respect the know-your-customer principle in accordancc with regulations. The insurance industry needs to avoid money laundering practices in rela t ion to political competition. The PPATK has noted some high value transactions, in vvhich the profile and motive to buy insurance products does not match. This is one of the four t'requently reported transaction patterns suspccted to have violated regulations.
Irvan Rahardjcr
Commisioner ofUkG Insuraniv Brokef[

The challenge now is how to pave a way for a legislation to make disaster insurance compulsory in Indonesia. Since it is related to the state budget, then it becomes a political issuc. In 2004, Germany failed to make natural disaster insurance compulsory. There is no guarantee that everything will run smoothly. But, vvc should be optimistic. Munawar Kasau Head of Risk Management and Comjiliamv Division, PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero)

The outlook and prospecl of the motor vehicle insurance wiD greatly depcnd on the readiness of the insurers to eope with the challenges assoeiated with this parlicular line of insurance. While the motor vehicle industiy is generally optimistic of their growth, rising claims cost and the high incidents of theft will prove to be a stumbling block if the insurers fail to address them effectively.
WillyS. Dharma
Pivsdir PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika


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