The Stories of Nabi & Rasul Allah (Complete)

Memuat kisah perjalanan dan perjuangan dakwah para nabi dan rasul dalam menegakkan agama Allah. Seluruh cerita dalam buku ini dapat dijadikan sebagai teladan untuk membangun karakter anak (character building). Disajikan dalam dua bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris (bilingual). Seri ini terbagi menjadi 5 volume: a. Volume 1 (Nuh and The Giant Ark; Adam The First Man; Hud, The Great Architect; Idris, The Father of Knowledge; Shalih and the miracle camel.) b. Volume 2 (Ismail and zam zam well; Ibrahim the father of prophets; Ishaq, the obedient sot; Luth and his cursed people; Yaqub, The father of kings) c. Volume 3 (Syuaib, the defender of oppressed; Yusuf the great minister; Musa and the miracle staff; Ayub and Hist Fortitude; Harun, the missionary endeavor) d. Volume 4 (Sulaiman and His Great Army; Zulkifli, The mandate; Ilyas, the sacred warrior; Daud, the mighty; Ilyasa, The successor) e. Volume 5 (Yahya and The Romans; Yunus and the giant nun; Isa, the great healer; Zakaria, the holly hunted; Muhammad, The messenger)