From Luntang-Lantung To International Expat

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  • Cover From Luntang-Lantung To International Expat
Rp 39.800
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Rp 37.810
From Luntang-Lantung To International Expat
Tanggal terbit
November - 2013
Jumlah Halaman
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Pengembangan Diri
Text Bahasa
Indonesia ·
Lokasi Stok
Gudang Penerbit icon-help
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[NOTE] Buku Mulai Terbit Tanggal 05 November 2013

I am sure your book will be inspirational to young people. You have always been a very special colleague in my team in INC, China, and I treasure all the discussions we have had. You have always been very matured and insightful in your management style, which I admire. In many ways, I think we are similar. We interact with people on a human basis and yet we manage people and business in a professional way.
Mike Phua,
former Managing Director of INC, China

I am delighted to have been asked to make a contribution to John Eddy Dharmasoeka's book about his time working in China. He is the man whom I know never knew the meaning of the word surrender, because the first report showed that a mountain needed to be climbed. His tireless efforts in getting the workforce changed into a well disciplined
and understanding outfit were tremendous. John Eddy never spared himself and his restless energy and forceful attitude kept him and the team continuously on the go. He led by examples. A fantastic effort by the team, in such a short space of time, under John Eddy's strong leadership, successfully transformed the workplace from the Stone Age to the Space Age.
Paul Clark,
former Production & Technical Advisor to HFN, China

John E. Dharmasoeka, lahir pada tahun 1947. Selama 38 tahun berkecimpung sebagai profesional di berbagai perusahaan nasional, mulai dari posisi Staf Administrasi hingga mencapai posisi Vice President, maupun di perusahaan multinasional sebagai ekspatriatmulai dari bidang Consumer Goods sampai Perbankan. Setelah melepaskan masa
profesinya, John E. Dharmasoeka kini menjadi speaker sekaligus trainer dan penulis buku.


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