Examining Islam in the West

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  • Cover Examining Islam in the West
Rp 95.000
Hemat Rp 4.750
Rp 90.250
Examining Islam in the West
Tanggal terbit
Maret - 2011
Jumlah Halaman
500 gr
Jenis Cover
Soft Cover
Dimensi(L x P)
Text Bahasa
English ·
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In this book, Mr. Alwi demonstrates the power of one individual's commitment to building bridges between two cultures. His e-mail exchanges with his students show how woefully ignorant young Americans are of Islam, and how much their negative impressions can change through exposure to sympathetic, accessible Muslim intellectuals like Mr. Alwi. Their lack of knowledge suggests that American government should spend at least as much time educating its own population about Islam as it does in public relations efforts directed at Muslim communities abroad.
-- Sidney Jones, Director of the Southeast Asia Project, International Crisis Group

To date, the Western world seems to identity Islam with terrorism, radicalism, and in general, acting inhumanly. This is due to their limited understanding of Islam, a situation felt strongly by Dr. Alwi in his interactions with American students. I believe this book can provide accurate insights into the Islamic religion as Rahmatan lil Aalamien.
-- Dr. H.C. HMA Sahal Mahfudz, President of the Indonesian Ulama Council

This book was written by Dr. Alwi Shihab through unwavering faith, profound knowledge, charity and extensive experience, both inside and outside of the Islamic community. He is convinced that true harmony amongst religious believers must be built, first and foremost, on the recognition understanding, and respect for the teachings, traditions, and values of other religions. His testimony of the beneficial role of Islam to the world needs to be heard and shared.
-- Kardinal Julius Darmaatmadja, SJ

Many critical conflicts are triggered by misperceptions and a lack of communication. This pattern repeats itself in the case of the religiously narrow-minded. Yet, the call for the sanctity of religion, advocates that we oppose that narrow-mindedness as we explore the majesty of God through His creations. Therefore, I warmly welcome Dr. Alwi Shihab's book as an example of how, through dialogue, we can become more mature, even when it concerns our deepest beliefs, in a mutual effort to make positive contributions and coexist peacefully.
-- Jakob Oetama, Executive Chairman, Kompas-Gramedia

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